The Ripple Effect: Understanding How Student Loans Impact Your Student’s Credit Score
For many students, pursuing higher education is a worthwhile investment in their future. However, this pursuit often comes with the financial burden of student loans. Beyond the immediate challenges of repayment, it’s crucial for parents and students to understand how these loans can have a lasting impact on students’ credit scores. In this blog post,…
Ask the Financial Aid Expert: Gregg Cohen
John Hupalo, host of MyCollegeCorner’s podcast, recently sat down with Gregg Cohen, President of Campus Bound and Founder of College Affordable to talk about the new FAFSA form. In late December 2023, the U.S. Department of Education “soft launched” the new form. Gregg answered the most pressing questions parents have about the new form, which…
10 FAQs to Clear Up FAFSA Confusion
Everyone has questions about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You are not alone.
Parents: Know the College Admissions Timeline
The college admissions process can be tricky for any family, especially those going through it for the first time. Separate financial aid and admissions applications, multiple deadlines at each school, standardized exams, letters of recommendation, required essays, and, this year, changes to federal financial aid. No wonder you feel stress.
The Student Aid Index: The New Way to Calculate College Aid
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is about to fundamentally change how eligibility for college financial aid is calculated. Here’s what you need to know and a link to a free calculator to estimate eligibility for college aid using the new methodology.