• The Keys for Making Student and Parent Loans Work for You

    The Keys for Making Student and Parent Loans Work for You

    Using loans to pay for college can work well or be a nightmare.    Those who know the facts, plan ahead and borrow as little as possible — and responsibly — don’t often run in to problems.  You can be in that boat.

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  • Housing options for the College Years

    Housing options for the College Years

    Parents taking a look at housing for their college students transitioning out of high school will notice the different options come with pros and cons. It’s best to weigh the options by considering the personal and social needs of your student while staying on budget for your family. Understanding the details will keep you from…

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  • Time Management Skills for Success

    Time Management Skills for Success

    Parents know all too well the importance of time management.  While saving money is often a top of mind topic, saving time is equally important and a life skill worth developing.. What are some ways parents can help their kids improve their time management as they transition through college?  Let’s consider how they can take…

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  • Why Co-signing Loans is the Best Way to Close the Gap on the College Bill

    Why Co-signing Loans is the Best Way to Close the Gap on the College Bill

    Why Co-Signing a Private Loan Can Be the Best Way to Close the Gap on the College Bill We want the best for our children which means we want the best college for them. They worked so hard but are a little – or a lot – short of affording their dream school. Don’t fall…

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  • Recommendation Letter Tips

    Recommendation Letter Tips

    The recommendation letter has been a staple of the college application process as long as that process has been in existence. The letter is intended to give admissions officers a way to learn more about your student and what qualities they bring to the table.

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  • Best ways for students to begin saving early

    Best ways for students to begin saving early

    Motivating your kids to start saving early is awesome, but parents also worry about maintaining eligibility for college financial aid. Let’s take a closer look at how to manage savings and build a healthy financial habit for life.

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  • Making a decision for Graduate School

    Making a decision for Graduate School

    How the years have flown! Pre-K, kindergarten, grade school, high school, and finally a bachelor’s degree is in sight. Is graduate school next? Or perhaps a Ph.D.? Here are some concrete reasons to help understand the choice for advanced study.

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  • Summer Plans for Undergrads

    Summer Plans for Undergrads

    Summer break can offer college students a unique opportunity to work, travel, and explore different career paths before having to make any formal career decisions. Students should take advantage of full summer vacations now because after graduation they become a thing of the past!  Here’s how to use this summer wisely:

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  • Internships provide needed skills (and often cash)

    Internships provide needed skills (and often cash)

    Internships are essential for college students and recent grads joining a competitive job market. They offer training, professional development, valuable networking and (usually) an opportunity to earn some money, too. 

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