• Financial, Academic, Social Fit and Timeliness (FAST) = a Great College Fit

    Financial, Academic, Social Fit and Timeliness (FAST) = a Great College Fit

    Choosing the right college is one of the most significant decisions in a student’s life. Most counselors and families immediately think of Academic and Social Fit. But the bookends to the FAST acronym are equally important: Financial Fit and Timeliness.

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  • Two Financial Hacks to Wring Long- and Short-Term Risk out of Paying for College

    Two Financial Hacks to Wring Long- and Short-Term Risk out of Paying for College

    College is expensive. Parents would feel better about investing for their child’s education if they could mitigate some of the future financial risks. Two of the most concerning risks: run-away inflation and fear of a student unexpectedly leaving college. But these fears can be alleviated or even eliminated!

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  • Ask the Expert: Insuring Your College Investment with John Fees

    Ask the Expert: Insuring Your College Investment with John Fees

    My College Corner talks with John Fees, Co-Founder and CEO of GradGuard. We love talking to innovators who are finding new and inventive ways to help families save, plan, and pay for college. And GradGuard has a really cool, interesting twist to bring innovation to protect students from the risks of college life.

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  • Ask the College Savings Expert: Joanne Dashiell

    Ask the College Savings Expert: Joanne Dashiell

    My College Corner welcomed Joanne Dashiell, the CMO of CollegeWell, the Private College 529 Prepaid College Savings Program. Prepaid tuition programs offer college savers an opportunity to beat inflation by locking in the cost of college at today’s price for future attendance. Joanne does a fantastic job of outlining the challenges and benefits of these programs, including…

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  • Protect Your College Savings from Inflation with a 529 Prepaid Plan

    Protect Your College Savings from Inflation with a 529 Prepaid Plan

    Saving a Dollar Today is Better than Borrowing One Tomorrow®.  But, HOW should you save? Over 17 million families have saved more than $500 billion in 529 saving plans and another $26 billion in prepaid 529 plans. Unlike the better-known savings plans, prepaid tuition plans allow families to lock in current tuition rates for future…

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  • MCC on the 2024 Conference Circuit: Last Stop

    MCC on the 2024 Conference Circuit: Last Stop

    Last fall, My College Corner had the opportunity to attend three conferences focused on saving and paying for college. The final stop was Paul Curley’s ISS Market Intelligence 529 Conference, which annually brings together a Who’s Who of industry thought leaders. We thought it appropriate to ring in the first weeks of the second quarter…

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  • Toys are Great but Holiday Gifting for College Endures

    Toys are Great but Holiday Gifting for College Endures

    During the holiday gift-giving season, supplementing the toy-to-be-tossed away or outgrown with a gift to grow a college fund can bring joy years from now.

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  • MCC on the Conference Circuit: Thought Leaders at the Treasurer’s Conference

    MCC on the Conference Circuit: Thought Leaders at the Treasurer’s Conference

    Stop 2 on the circuit took me to Chicago for the Treasurer’s Conference where I found leaders laser-focused on the future, broadening opportunities, and digging into the details to achieve some lofty goals.

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  • MCC on the Conference Circuit: Insights into Saving and Paying for College

    MCC on the Conference Circuit: Insights into Saving and Paying for College

    This fall, My College Corner had the opportunity to attend three conferences focused on saving and paying for college.  In the coming weeks, we will offer a transcript and video from each conference.

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